Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ten Weeks Old

The girls are just getting more beautiful, and their personalities are rounding out. Where before they seemed to fill a specific role (the dominant one, the little one, the gentle one), they are now a little more well-rounded.

Super-smart and outgoing

Sweet and playful


Attentive and gentle

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Eight Weeks Old




Yes, I missed a week of pictures. We have a new addition to the family--our second child was born December 3. We now have a house full of babies! Canine and human. My hands are officially full.
It's time for the girls to find their new homes. I've honestly fallen in love with each one. But it looks like Poppy will be staying with us.
These puppies, I believe, will grow up to be truly exceptional dogs. Raw weaned, non-vaccinated, full tails, house-raised with the family... everything I could do to get them off to the right start for a long healthy happy life, I've done my best to do. I can't wait to see what's in store for them.